Quest A+

Help for Teachers

Help for teachers setting up and administering secured exams on Quest A+

Getting Started

Quest A+ can be used to write secured assessments such as; field tests, diploma exams, provincial achievement tests and practice written responses. Teachers can request to administer field tests and practice written responses, however, diploma exams and PATs can only be requested by a school administrator.

Field Testing

In order to ensure provincial assessments are fair, valid, and reliable, Alberta Education administers field tests. Field tests provide teachers and students with examples of the style and content of questions that may appear on provincial assessments.

This has benefits for students and teachers. Through the field testing experience, students are exposed to provincial assessment rules and procedures. This exposure and familiarization has the potential to reduce test anxiety.

For teachers, they receive students’ marks promptly, for many provincial assessment-related courses, gaining useful, immediate information about their students’ understanding of the Programs of Study outcomes. Students and teachers are also able to provide feedback about each item on the field test.

For more information on field testing, please see the Field Test Guide under the Printable Documents at the bottom of the page.

To register for a field test, please see the link below.

Preparing for a Secured Exam

To prepare students to write a secured exam on Quest A+, students must have adequate internet connectivity, and LockDown Browser installed on PCs and Macs.

If students are using Chromebooks to access secured exams, they must be school owned devices, and must be configured by a tech well in advance of the exam.

It is important that students have used Quest A+ prior the exam, either by completing practice tests , or practice written responses.

Teachers should also complete a trial run with the students in advance of the exam to make sure devices are working correctly. See the Trial Run Guide under Printable Documents below for instructions.

Exam Preparation Checklist

Use the checklist below as a guide to ensure readiness for a secured exam.


Administering a Secured Exam

Exam Strategies Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure completion of the steps required for a successful administration of a secured exam.

Exam Submission

To ensure student responses have been received by Alberta Education, use the Test Dashboard under Teacher Tools. When students have completed the exam and clicked Finished, it will say finished beside their name on the Test Dashboard.

If it is a written response exam, then the supervisor must print the responses and the student must verify that the printed pages accurately represent their response, and must staple them into their exam booklet. Students can then close out of the exam window and log off their device.


After an Administration

Field Test Perusal Process

Digital-format and hybrid-format field test validation versions are accessed in the same way that students access the field tests. Along with the Exam PIN, you will also need the Supervisor PIN. For more information, please see the Field Test Guide under Printable Documents below.


Printable Documents

Printable Documents are currently provided only in English.

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